Ivar the Slayer #1

Age of the Crimson Moon

Year 12, Day 6

It’s been 3 tendays since the Destroyer took everything from me: my home, its people, and my self-worth.

I had only left for a few days to visit Uncle, but Whitebrook needed all her guards that day.

After returning home and surveying the carnage in a blind dull rage, I travelled back to Uncle on Keo’s saddle to salvage my life and plot my revenge against all the Beasts and Horrors of the Ironlands.

The Overseer of Longstead, where I’ve lived with Uncle during this time, has charged me with my first quest: to slay the Witch of the Wastes, who stole away his only son (presumably to lengthen her own profane existence).

I’ve sharpened my sword and prepared my supplies, riding North from the Tempest Hills and into the Veiled Mountains.

Swear an Iron Vow
Heart 2 + Bond 1 + Action 1 = 4
Challenge 8 & 3 = Weak Hit

Undertake a Journey
Wits 1 + Action 6 = 7
Challenge 5 & 10 = Weak Hit

The mountains are treacherous enough that I wonder how this witch was able to cross such a distance, but I guess if your only alternative is weakness and death, you’ll do whatever is necessary!

Keo and I were able to make it relatively far along up the snowy peaks, but neither of us lowlanders have much experience climbing steep and rocky paths while leaning into the biting wind.

After some time, just before dusck, we stopped to rest and warm ourselves by the fire inside a shallow cave.

Tomorrow, we would need to begin the arduous task of tracking the witch.

Gather Information
Wits 1 + Slayer 1 + Action 3 = 5
Challenge 5 & 10 = Miss
Pay the Price: Lost in the blizzard

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