Ivar the Slayer #2

Year 12, Day 8

Our muscles ready and spirit renewed, we began another search for signs of the witch’s passage.

Gather Information
Wits 1 + Slayer 1 + Action 1 = 3
Challenge 4 & 7 = Miss
Pay the Price 42 = A new danger or foe is revealed

Unfortunately, that sign arrived in the form of the witch’s familiar: a wolf with fur black as midnight.

Enter the Fray – Dangerous Foe
Wits 1 + Action 6 = 7
Challenge 8 & 8 = Extra Miss (Doubles)
Pay the Price 5 = Trusted one loses faith in you

Before I could react to the wolf’s ambush, I heard a loud stomp and whinny as Keo was apparently so startled, he began to gallop away, back in the direction we came.

I scrambled to defend myself as the wolf leapt upon me!

Iron 3 + Action 6 = 9
Challenge 4 & 10 = Weak Hit
Inflict 1 Harm & Pay the Price 38 = The current situation worsens

I managed to slash out at the wolf to wound it, but not before its entire body cast me backwards. Having lost my center of gravity, I fell onto my back, and the snarling beats sat on my chest.

“My mistress sends her regards, stupid human!” it growled.

Face Danger
Iron 3 + Action 2 = 5
Challenge 9 & 10 = Miss
Pay the Price / Endure Harm = -2 Health

Then, despite my best efforts to shove the thing off of me, it clamped its jaws down on my hand, fangs sinking into the tendons of my sword hand.

With a roar of pain and rage, I squeezed my grip tighter to the sword hilt and glared directly into the eyes of my foe.

Turn the Tide & Strike
Turn Tide 1 + Iron 3 + Action 3 = 7
Challenge 1 & 5 = Strong Hit
+1 Momentum & Inflict Harm & Gain Initiative

“I’ll be sure to send mine back, foul mongrel!” I hear myself shout, and roll to the side while swinging my sword in the opposite direction, opening a fresh wound on the beast’s muzzle and shoulder.

With the upper hand, I now jump to my feet and ready another strike.

Iron 3 + Action 5 = 8
Challenge 2 & 7 = Strong Hit
Inflict Harm

My sword stabs into its side, black shiny blood spurting out, and steam releasing into the frigid air.

The wolf howls and flinches, stumbling off to the side and trying to find an opening.

Iron 3 + Action 6 = 9
Challenge 4 & 6 = Strong Hit
Inflict Harm

End the Fight
Progress Score 8
Challenge 7 & 10 = Weak Hit
Fight won, but marked for vengeance

As my sword makes its killing blow, stabbing into the weakened beast’s skull, an eldritch voice emanates from its maw.

“You fool! You were given ample opportunity to flee and survive unscathed, but now, I swear my vengeance upon you, that I will not rest until I cause you a painful death!”

I know I should have been frightened, or at the very least disturbed, by the witch’s proclamation coming from the slain wolf, but in that moment, I was more concerned about finding Keo.

Heart 2 + Bond 1 + Action 6 = 8
Challenge 6 & 8 = Weak Hit
Oracle Action 42 & Oracle Theme 17 = Demand Renown

He wasn’t hard to find, just out of sight of the melee. I patted his shoulder to calm him down, then held his bridle in both hands.

“Keo, I’m not mad. I know why you ran, and I don’t blame you for doubting me in that moment. Moving forward, I’ll tell everyone that it was you who killed the wolf, with a thunderous neigh and a mighty stomp.”

Keo snorted and I laughed, patting him again.

“That’s the spirit. Now let’s rest for the day. I have wounds to heal and your nerves could stand a bit of relief, eh?”

With that, we set up camp a little ways off the path.

Iron 3 + Action 2 = 5
Challenge 8 & 10 = Miss
Nothing happens

Make Camp
Supply 4 + Action 1 = 5
Challenge 1 & 8 = Weak Hit
Recuperate +1 Health

With no supplies in an uninhabitable environment, my attempts to trat my wounds came up woefully short. With nothing else to resort to, I simply slept to recover what little stamina I had left.

Gather Information
Wits 1 + Slayer 1 + Action 2 = 4
Challenge 3 & 1 = Strong Hit
Clear path forward and +2 Momentum

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Ivar the Slayer – Mondays
Shane’s Law – Fridays

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